Virtual Charity Challenge App
The yeti challenge is a step counter challenge. The concept is racing a yeti to the top of a digital mountain. The functionality, and ease of use was the priority for the app. The home screen gives an overview of your the key personal stats and data, and can be swiped to get a comparison against the yeti’s progress, to get a more detailed breakdown of your stats and history, and finally a comparison against your friends also participating. The design worked around the idea that all of the key functions that are used daily could be accessed with a simple swipe and for the less frequently used functions you would use one of the buttons at the bottom of the screen. These would include setting up your profile and event information, creating and joining groups of friends, setting alarms and notifications, connecting your phone to your wristband, and updating the app. Only the brand colours were used throughout the app, and a mix of fun and friendly combined with easy to read data led the design for each part of the app. I designed the app and it was sent to a developer to develop the app.

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